Sunday, December 24, 2006

...Rules All Guys Should Know About Girls...

1. Don't always expect us to call you.. The phone works both ways!! You know the drill!!
2. No matter if we're fat or not.. Most girls aren't as self-confident as guys! And we need to be complimented as often as possible!
3. Birthdays, Vday, & Anniversaries are important to us... Can't you remember three important dates out of the whole year!? We remember them.. Why can't you!?
4. You can't play around with our head no matter what the circumstances!!! It's not fair! Make up your mind!!!
5. Know our songs when they come on the radio.
6. "I love you" is a big step..... Don't say it if you don't mean it!!
7. Be there for us when we need you. A smile, a call, a kiss, a hug, a visit, or just listening can go a long way when we're done or mad at you.
8. Come & pick us up when we need you to.. Most of the time we just want to see you :-)
9. Don't lie to us about anything!! You know we're going to find out eventually!!
10. Talk about your feelings sometimes... it helpls A LOT!!

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